If you are interested in purchasing an item shown here, discuss a design or private tuition please use the contact page to email me.

Dave Budd
Handmade Tools
Here you will find a sample of the tools that I make and courses that I run, all from my off-grid workshop in the heart of Devon.
Using a combination of modern and traditional techniques, I make tools for pretty much any craft that you can think of (the range only increases as I am asked for new things!). I specialise in historically accurate tools for historical craftspeople as well as modern designs for those living in the 21st century. Not only are my tools used by reenactors, museums and the film industry, but a growing range of forgotten crafts are being revived as I am able to make the tools for the craftspeople making ancient objects for others in those sectors. Many teachers of crafts such as wood carving and basket making supply my tools to their students too.
I only use virgin steel of a known and appropriate grade for the metal parts and the wood used in my handles is all harvested from the 10 acre woodland which surrounds my workshop. The tools are even forged in charcoal made on site! Historical and modern tools alike are made to the highest modern standards.
I also run courses in such things as knife and axe making. These can be held in my Roman/Saxon forges using hand tools, or indeed in my main workshop with grinders to assist the work. Pretty much, if I can make it then I can teach you to make it too!