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Available Knives, Axes & Spearheads
I don’t make that many knives these days, but when I do I offer them up here. I don’t make standard patterns and everything here is a one off (though my bushcraft knives GreenMan, WoodSprite and Pixie do still get made on occasion). I prefer instead to either make blades for people to handle and finish themselves, or to teach knifemaking classes.
The same goes for axes and pattern welded spears. Until I come up with a standard pattern for a carving axe, every one is unique and will appear here as a one-off. If there is a specialist type of axe (such as a T-axe, side axe, etc) then take a look over on the Tools pages amongst woodworking kit. Please feel free to enquire about specialist choppers, I may have something to hand.
I use a variety of techniques to make axes, depending on shape, size and period. Most of the smaller axes are made from a single piece of EN9 spring steel, while the larger ones are often made by firewelding high carbon steel edges into bodies of mild steel. Some of the most complex historical axes will be made up from several separate pieces of metal, all welded together in the forge.
The handles for my axes are, of course, all made in house from ash that is harvested from around the workshop. Some historical axes will have birch, elm or oak when based on excavated examples though.
All of my finished axes also come with edge protectors. Modern axes with full grained veg tanned leather, like my knife sheathes, and historical axes with wooden masks.
N.B the handles are measured to the base of the axe eye. The weights listed include the handles, meaning the heads are 150-250g lighter on average.
Spear Heads
These are as close as I get to making weapons. The spears are based loosely on archaeological finds in that the shapes, sizes and types of pattern used are accurate, but I do not replicate specific individual finds. Primarily I use modern steels chosen for their good contrast and edge holding abilities, though sometimes I will use wrought iron and shear steel to add to the authenticity of a design. The spears are sold sharp (though not razor edged).